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All In

Well, with the start of June, I feel like I can finally say it's summer. I remembering in the days of middle and high school how much I craved the summer, itching in the seats o four desks during the final days of May and June as school would wrap up for the season. Summer came with all of the freedom school did not provide: relaxing at home, warm days at the pool, sleeping in. As college ended and adult life began, the joy of the summer excitement quickly drained. It suddenly became a time for hot weather, uncomfortable office clothes and praying for the weekends. As my spring was winding down, I thought forward to summer, and was surprised by the amount of excitement that was peaking.

See, this summer my career in Youth and Young Adult Ministry is finally beginning. I'm balancing life between two churches for the next few months, one as a Youth Intern, and the other as a Youth Director. I will also be beginning my education at Seminary. The calling to join ministry is a scary one, but the calm nature of my heart ensures me that I have made the right decision. No matter the timing of God's plan, he always has the right answer. This is something I'e had to tell myself multiple times over the last year of my life. A lot has changed since I moved to Kansas City last June. Trust me when I say, I never expected to leave my first career so quickly and make a VAST change in the type of work I was planning on for the remainder of my life. But, God has the best timing and he laid a clear path for my heart as I worked through one of the hardest Winter seasons of my life with my eating disorder, anxiety and depression.

There is a song by Matthew West called All In, that matches the emotions I'm feeling towards ministry right now. Nothing about this journey has been easy, money is tight, right as Zach and I bought our first home, I juggle between 3 and 4 jobs to make ends meet, I work close to 7 days a week in some capacity and I'm tired. But, listen to the words of this song, and just know.

So, for now I prepare my heart for these ministries that will take me to Colorado Springs, Massanetta Conference Center in Virginia, Dubuque in Iowa and beyond and I pray that God continues to lay the path clearly for me.

With love,


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