Enneagram 2w3 | Myers Briggs INFP-T | DISC Influence
Strengths - Empathy, Adaptability, Connectedness, Woo, & Communication
I build connections with people, from the ground up, connecting with them on deep, personal levels. Jeremiah 31:4 states, “Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt.” This verse is what I try to lend my life to each day.
Originally from Indianapolis, I balanced school work, competitive softball and church alongside many other activities. Connecting with the world around me has always been important to who I am, ensuring people knew who I was, what I stood for, and knowing that I offered a listening ear and helping hand when necessary. During my high school career at Lawrence Central, I spent countless hours on my skills to grow as a softball player and leader, however the sport would eventually lead to a severe shoulder injury that took me out of the game. During this time I joined our Show Choir community and took to the stage. The broad variety of my life passions allowed me to grow into the outgoing and colorful person I would become. I took what I learned with me to Columbia, Missouri.
The University of Missouri. M-I-Z! Mizzou had been a part of my life forever as both of my parents were alumni, however, I learned what it meant to have true college spirit once my feet hit the ground there. During my first year, I joined Residence Hall Government as the Treasurer and participated in MizzouThon for the first time. By my sophomore year I was on leadership for MizzouThon, joined STRIPES, the Mizzou safe-driving program and Sigma Phi Lambda, a Christian Sorority. Junior year, I also joined The Chronic Project and soon became President. Each of these organizations, and my college experience as a whole, taught me countless life lessons about the world, communities I lived in, and my faith. I graduated from Mizzou in May of 2017.
Activism for those who are unheard, unspoken for, and mistreated became a center point for my life during those four years. I realized I had more to offer the world than just going with the flow and accepting life for what it was. I strive to connect people from all backgrounds, communities, faiths, ethnicity groups, and socio-economic realities to one another through honest and deep relationships that take time and care. With that mission in mind - I started at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary to get my Masters in Mission and Discipleship to help my understanding of faith and people. I graduated with my degree in December of 2022.
After spending four years at Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Missouri as their Director of Youth Ministries, I now serve as the Director of Youth Ministries and NextGen Manager at Missouri United Methodist Church in Columbia, Missouri. You can learn more about my work experience on the Experience Page.